Friday, October 28, 2005

Fotos de chicas bulímicas y anoréxicas

ATENCIÓN: Si está usted buscando imágenes de la Anorexia y la Bulimia, aquí es el lugar indicado. Navegue hacia abajo para ver todas las fotos. Haga usted click sobre cada imagen para ampliar su tamaño. Si desea leer nuestro artículo sobre este tipo de trastornos alimenticios, haga usted click acá.

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ANOREXIA NERVOSAAnorexia nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia often control body weight by voluntary starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. It primarily affects adolescent females, however approximately 10% of people with the diagnosis are male. Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition, involving psychological, neurobiological, and sociological components.

You could read anything you wanted about anorexia and not understand anything. You could look at an anorexic and feel everything.

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Para leer el artículo sobre la Anorexia y la Bulimia en jóvenes adolecentes,
haga usted click aquí.

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